At California Recorder, an esteemed publication of the Enspirers News Group, we uphold the highest standards of journalism to ensure the delivery of unfiltered world news and trusted coverage across Politics, Business, Technology, and more. Our commitment to excellence in journalism is reflected in our newsroom policies and standards, which guide our reporting and editorial practices.
Accuracy and Integrity
- Fact-Checking: We prioritize accuracy in all our reporting. Our journalists rigorously fact-check information before publication to ensure it is correct and reliable.
- Sources: We use credible sources and provide proper attribution. Anonymous sources are used sparingly and only when the information is vital and cannot be obtained otherwise.
- Corrections: If an error is identified, we promptly issue corrections to maintain the integrity of our content.
Editorial Independence
- Impartiality: Our reporting is free from bias. We strive to present information in a balanced and fair manner, ensuring diverse viewpoints are represented.
- Editorial Freedom: Our editorial decisions are made independently of commercial or political influences, ensuring that our content remains trustworthy and credible.
Ethical Standards
- Transparency: We are transparent about our journalistic processes and decision-making. Conflicts of interest are disclosed to maintain trust with our readers.
- Respect and Sensitivity: We report with respect and sensitivity to those affected by our stories, avoiding sensationalism and maintaining dignity in all our coverage.
User-Generated Content
- Guidelines for Submission: We welcome user-generated content through All submissions are reviewed for adherence to our editorial standards and must meet our criteria for accuracy, relevance, and respectfulness.
- Community Standards: We foster a respectful and constructive community. Hate speech, discrimination, and offensive content are not tolerated and will be removed.
- Confidentiality: We respect the privacy of individuals involved in our stories and handle sensitive information with care.
- Data Protection: Personal data of our users and sources is protected in accordance with relevant privacy laws and our privacy policy.
Engagement and Feedback
- Open Dialogue: We encourage feedback and engagement from our readers. Constructive criticism and diverse opinions help us improve and serve our audience better.
- Contact Information: For any queries or feedback, please reach out to us at, and you can also CC
By adhering to these policies and standards, California Recorder continues to be a beacon of excellence in journalism, delivering impactful news and stories to our readers worldwide. Thank you for your trust and support.