At California Recorder, an integral publication of the Enspirers News Group, the security and integrity of our platform are paramount. As a leader in delivering impactful news and stories, we are committed to maintaining a secure environment for both our users and our content. If you have identified a vulnerability or security issue within our systems, we encourage you to report it to us so that we can address it promptly and effectively.

How to Report a Vulnerability:

  1. Provide Detailed Information:
  • Include a clear description of the vulnerability or security issue you have discovered.
  • Provide any relevant details, such as the steps to reproduce the issue, screenshots, or affected areas of the platform.
  1. Contact Us Securely:
  • Email:
  • CC: When submitting your report, please use a secure method to protect sensitive information. We appreciate detailed reports that include all necessary information for us to understand and address the issue effectively.
  1. Confidentiality and Privacy:
  • We treat all reports of vulnerabilities with the highest level of confidentiality and privacy.
  • Your information will be handled securely, and we will work diligently to address the issue while keeping you informed of our progress.
  1. Follow-Up:
  • Our security team will review your report and take appropriate action to resolve the issue.
  • If needed, we may contact you for additional information or clarification.

Why Report a Vulnerability?

  • Security Enhancement: Reporting vulnerabilities helps us strengthen our security measures and protect our platform from potential threats.
  • User Safety: By identifying and addressing security issues, we ensure a safe and secure environment for our users and their data.
  • Transparency: We are committed to transparency and proactive measures in maintaining the security of our platform.

Contact Information:

  • Email for Reporting Vulnerabilities:
  • CC:

Thank you for your vigilance and for helping us maintain the security and integrity of California Recorder. Your contribution is essential in ensuring a safe and reliable platform for our readers and contributors.