If you have a news tip or story idea that you believe is important and newsworthy, we want to hear from you. At California Recorder, we value the contributions of our readers and the community in uncovering impactful stories and delivering accurate, timely news coverage.

How to Submit a News Tip:

  1. Provide Details: Include as much relevant information as possible about the story or tip. This may include names, dates, locations, and any supporting documentation or evidence.
  2. Contact Us:
  • Email: info@californiarecorder.com
  • CC: info@enspirers.com When submitting your tip, please include a brief description of the information and your contact details (optional), in case we need to follow up for more details.
  1. Confidentiality: If you wish to remain anonymous or need your tip to be treated confidentially, please indicate this in your communication. We respect your privacy and will handle sensitive information with the utmost care.
  2. Follow-Up: Our editorial team will review your tip and determine the next steps. We may contact you for additional information or clarification if necessary.

Why Submit a News Tip?

  • Impact: Your tip could help us uncover important stories and provide valuable insights to our readers.
  • Integrity: We are committed to thorough and accurate reporting, and your input helps us maintain high journalistic standards.
  • Community Contribution: By sharing your information, you play a crucial role in keeping the public informed and engaged with relevant news.

Thank you for considering California Recorder as a platform for your news tip. We appreciate your contribution to our efforts in delivering high-quality journalism.

Contact Information:

  • Email for News Tips: info@californiarecorder.com
  • CC: info@enspirers.com