To borrow from the Bob Dylan song, “The times they are a-changing.” That pretty much sums up the frustration experienced today by independent inventors trying to maintain ownership of their intellectual property.
Has stopping someone from “stealing” an invention ever been as simple as filing a patent application and being issued a patent? There was a time when many of us felt that way. And if you had a big idea and filed a wall of intellectual property to protect it? Well, that was an even better strategy.
But I learned firsthand in 2003 after suing LEGO, now the most popular toy company in the world, that patents are simply words that are going to be interpreted differently by different people at different times — including judges, juries, patent examiners, and even your competitors. Watching my attorneys spar over the interpretation of a couple words in federal court was a priceless experience, because that’s when I realized just how slippery of a slope I was standing on.
That slope has gotten more slippery since the 2011 Leahy-Smith America Invents Act was passed and signed into law by President Obama a decade ago. The biggest change to the U.S. patent system has been the establishment of three opportunities for challengers to get patent claims invalidated at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB).
As head of the patent and trademark office under President Trump, Andrei Iancu initiated reforms to make the PTAB fairer to patent owners. But difficulties for inventors related to the PTAB aren’t going away anytime soon. Just last week, Senators Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) and John Cornyn (R-Texas) introduced a new bill whose intent is to undo the progress Iancu made.
At the same time, the selling and purchasing of goods online has exploded in popularity. With such a large number of online sellers and marketplaces, it’s become nearly impossible for entrepreneurs to extinguish counterfeits and copycats on their own. You can try, but you’re going to get tired, frustrated, and spend a ton of money without the support of a technological intervention like Red Points.
The overall result? Protecting our intellectual property has gotten more difficult for us inventors.
So, what are our options? Give up and play the victim? Complain and protest? Stop inventing? In my opinion, these are all excuses.
The way I see it, there’s never been a better time to be inventing and filing patent applications.
However, the wrong approach is for inventors to get patents thinking they’re going to stop their invention from being copied. The barriers to participating in our legal system are too arduous.
Given the intellectual property environment right now, inventors need a more strategic plan for monetizing their patents. Patents can still be extremely beneficial for inventive people, but they need to be utilized differently. This is my perspective as a creator and an entrepreneur whose goal is to commercialize new products.
The truth is that patents are filed for all sorts of reasons. Many don’t take commercialization into consideration at all, which is why they’re essentially worthless. They don’t offer enough value to the marketplace. These patents are not going to help anyone win in court, because they will never be litigated over.
Put simply, to file better patents, inventors need to get clearer their business objectives.
6 Strategies for Filing Better Patent Applications
First, make sure there’s a need for your invention. If not, you’re just wasting everyone’s time. You cannot leave this determination up to your patent attorney; you must do it yourself. This is why testing the market first is of critical importance.
- Know your point of difference compared to similar products or services. This can only be done through research. I recommend searching Google Images and Google Shopping thoroughly as a starting place. Don’t forget to share all of your marketing material with your patent attorney later on. They will only as effective as the quality of the information you provide them with.
- Familiarize yourself with the prior art. To further hone in on your invention’s point of difference, you should find, examine, and take the time to understand what’s claimed in related patents. You won’t find everything, but you should try. Don’t leave this up to anyone else. Learn to search for prior art yourself; then back up your findings by hiring a third party as well. Prior art can come back to haunt you.
- Align the claims in your patent application with your business objectives. Go through, line by line, to ensure they do. For example, to license my rotating label Spinformation, I knew I needed a patent claim that covered how the label would be manufactured. Sure enough, it was that particular claim that helped me against LEGO. Continuing to file patent applications on variations and ways of working around that manufacturing method — which were paid for by my licensee — ultimately gave me leverage.
- Tell a story that everyone can understand in your patent application. Having difficulty parsing through a patent? You’re not alone. The degree to which some patents are inscrutable is comical. To use your patent to further your business goals, make sure it is easily understood.
- Determine the most efficient material and method for manufacturing your invention. Don’t forget to consider speed and cost. Include this information in your application.
- Try stealing your invention from yourself. Outthink the competition by including workarounds and variations of your invention, so that you not only protect it, but the innovation as well.
Filing a better patent provides you with a tool that you can use to do so much more than “protect” your invention.
A better patent can help you:
- Raise funds. A better patent gives people the confidence that you know what the hell you’re doing.
- License your invention. Although most companies acknowledge it’s difficult to protect anything, they would still like to have the option of obtaining a patent. At my company inventRight, we see products get licensed with just a provisional patent application. That’s because companies recognize they need new product ideas to stay competitive. It’s not about fighting in a court of law, it’s about selling.
- Build your team. No one commercializes a big idea by themselves. A better patent can help convince others that you’ve scrutinized all of the problems and devised solutions, making them more likely to want to work with you. Bringing people with the right expertise together is another way of establishing credibility for your project.
- Make waves on social media. Today, for better or worse, all of us have a voice. You had to call customer service to complain in the past. Now we can complain on social media and receive a response almost instantly. That’s because a few bad reviews that go viral can tarnish a powerful brand quickly. A better fight for you to try to win today is in the court of public opinion. Use your patent to claim ownership of your invention and help establish that you are the original. Retailers do not want to be involved in litigation. Harness the power of your fans to encourage them to do the right thing and avoid stocking knockoffs. Everyone wants to root for David, not Goliath.
There will always be issues to overcome when commercializing a new product. A better patent is one that takes these factors into consideration. In this way, inventors would be well-served to think more like entrepreneurs.
At the end of the day, inventors need to accept that they might not get all of the business their ingenuity generates — and that’s okay. Not being able to eat the entire cherry pie yourself doesn’t make it any less sweet. This is what’s known as competition. Variations, workarounds, and new developments are inevitable. Get used to it! And if you’re fortunate enough to get knocked off? Congratulations. You’ve got a great product.
At a conference put on by IPWatchdog outside of Dallas last month, I was surprised that my perspective on the value of patents for inventors today was well-received by a sea of lawyers. There, I heard more than once, that the only way to truly determine the value of a patent is whether it holds up in litigation. I had to smile. After experiencing the emotional rollercoaster of patent litigation, I have no desire to engage in it ever again.
For inventors, finding ways of overcoming obstacles is more important than ever.